Something Shoplifted
Be proud of your pleasure
Something Shoplifted was just an idea years ago that never materialized until one afternoon, out of spite, I decided to contact a supplier for a quotation who then pressured me for a downpayment. We started with 20 bags, two designs, and once everything sold out; I thought, that’s it— it was fun, and I should be off to another stint like I always do— pero di ko kinaya ang mag english nang ganito kahaba be, so magtatagalog na lang ako eme.
What started as a fun experience became something bigger than what I envisioned— now with almost 800+ (di ko na sure dai, need na natin ipa DTI ito) bags circulating not just here in the Philippines, but around the world, we’re now eyeing for world domination and mass destruction eme!
Something Shoplifted isn’t just tote bags, tee shirts, and a little bit of sass, it’s our art form.